Introduction to Verifiable Credentials and SMART® Health Cards


Verifiable Credentials

A verifiable Credential (VC) is a machine-readable document (JSON file) containing data about an individual - much like a physical credential (e.g. the cards in one’s wallet). VCs are cryptographically verifiable, meaning that they can be shared in a secure and tamper-evident fashion. 


SMART® Health Cards

A SMART® Health Card is a type of verifiable credential that contains healthcare information such as vaccination or lab report data. SMART® Health Cards contain this information in a format that is secure, portable, and easy for entities like airlines, governments, and venues to verify. When scanned, a verifier can easily see that the information on the card has not been tampered with, making SMART® Health Cards a safe and reliable way to demonstrate health status.

Components of a SMART® Health Card


 Reference Designs


Web Portals


Mobile Portal


Printable PDFs
