A global registry of testing providers, health systems, vaccination providers, and public health registries.


Participating health data sources:

  • Provide the individuals they serve with digital access to their health information using open, interoperable standards. 

  • Have built verifiable credentials, such as SMART® Health Cards

  • Include:

  • Clinical health systems or hospitals providing patient care

  • National or regional pharmacy chains

  • National or regional laboratory diagnostic providers

  • National or regional health insurance payors

  • Government or governmental agencies

Participating health data sources and Issuers may work with technology partners (Enablers”). While Enablers are not registry members, they play an important part of the health ecosystem supporting registry members. Please see the specific technical requirements within the CTN Attestation and CTN Agreement or contact TCP for more information if you are an Enabler.

To apply to join the CommonTrust Network:

  1. Before applying, ensure that your organization has already begun building SMART® Health Cards using these specifications.

  2. Then, complete the CommonTrust Network™ Registry and VCI™ Directory Issuer Request Form.

    By submitting this form, you will attest to your organization’s compliance with the CommonTrust Network Agreement Terms and Conditions and Attestations. You’ll also provide information about your organization, including your ISS/public key, contact information, and sample QR codes. 

  3. The Commons Project will review your application.

    During the verification process, a representative from The Commons Project may reach out to you to verify information and/or seek additional items. Admission to the registry is not guaranteed and subject to applicable requirements and organization diligence.