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The CommonTrust Network™ is a registry of trusted Issuers of standards-based and government backed health certificates from around the world. In many parts of the world, the Issuers of health certificates are national governments. In cases such as the European Union, member states participate in a robust trust framework with attending public key infrastructure.

In other parts of the world, issuance is left to regional governments and non-governmental entities. In those instances, health certificates such as SMART® Health Cards play a crucial role in providing individuals with verifiable credentials. It is in these cases where an independent and neutrally operated trust framework can be most helpful.

SMART® Health Cards provide an open standards-based framework for generating and presenting clinical information. 

The VCI™ Directory is a freely available open directory of trusted SMART® Health Cards issuers.   It is the public listing of all SMART® Health Card issuers in the CommonTrust Network.  The inclusion criteria for SMART® Health Card issuers in the CommonTrust Network are defined in coordination with the VCI™ Steering Committee with broad community input.  The Commons Project Foundation (TCP) manages the CommonTrust Network and is responsible for reviewing and evaluating new participants. 

Today, the types of issuers permitted in VCI™ Directory and The CommonTrust Network registry are clinical health systems and hospitals providing patient care, national and regional pharmacy chains, national and regional laboratory diagnostics providers, national and regional health insurance payors, and government and governmental agencies. Participation is currently limited to these issuers because it’s easier for verifiers to understand who these issuers are and how they work, and VCI™ have published expanded rationale for these decisions on

Last Updated November 17, 2021. Our Attestation and CTN Agreement Terms and Conditions have been updated, please review carefully.

Completing the attestations below submits a request to be evaluated for inclusion in the CommonTrust Network™ Registry and VCI™ Directory.